Project ,,Implementation of a new technology in the sawn timber production process”

The company is implementing a project under the Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020 , Priority Axis III: Support for innovation in enterprises, Measure 3.2: Support for the implementation of R&D results, Sub-measure: 3.2.2: Loan for technological innovations
“ Implementation of a new technology in the sawn timber production process “ Project No. POIR.03.02.02-00-2100/20
The project consists in the implementation of a new technological solution that meets the new challenges in the production of sawn timber as a raw material for the production of drums for cables and wires.
In order to implement the new technology, the following investment purchases were defined:
– purchase of sawn timber sawing line – 1 set
We will implement the project from March 2021 to March 2022. The total eligible cost of the project will be PLN 2,200,000.00. The value of the European Fund’s contribution is PLN 990,000.00.
Jabłonka, on June 18, 2021
We would like to inform you that as a result of the tender procedure for the delivery of: Line for sawing sawn timber – 1 set
The company’s offer was selected as the most advantageous:
eM-Projekt Sp. z o. o. with its registered office: ul. I. Łukasiewicza 3, 78-400 Szczecinek,; deadline for submitting the offer: May 24, 2021, net price: PLN 2,970,000.00
which received the highest number of points, i.e. 92.5 points.
Thank you for submitting bids
Jabłonka, April 23, 2021
We invite you to submit offers for the supply of a line for sawing sawn timber – 1 set as part of tender No. 1/K/2021. The deadline for submitting offers is May 24, 2021.
In addition, KARTEX is implementing the project:
Project ,,Increase in energy efficiency through the use of renewable energy sources in KARTEX”

Firma Usługowo Handlowa KARTEX SC implements a project co-financed from European Funds “Increase in energy efficiency through the use of renewable energy sources in KARTEX”
The aim of the project is to increase the energy efficiency of the company through a comprehensive modernization of the
energy-intensive facility, which is the base of the business of “Firma Usługowo Handlowa “Kartex” sc
Grażyna Karlak” and the increased use of renewable energy sources.
The goal of the project will be achieved through:
– purchase and installation of a RES heat source to power the facilities.
– purchase and installation on a rooftop PV installation with a capacity of 49.5 kWp
Planned effects:
Increasing the efficiency of using energy obtained from renewable energy sources in the company is 25.83%.
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 64.79 Mg/year.
Project value:
PLN 661,305.26
Contribution of European Funds:
PLN 430,117.24